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心理健康講座系列 憂鬱症和社交焦慮症:診斷與治療

Fri, Mar 22


Virtual Class

診斷與治療 Emotional Well-Being: Depression and Social Anxiety: Diagnosis and Treatment

心理健康講座系列 憂鬱症和社交焦慮症:診斷與治療
心理健康講座系列 憂鬱症和社交焦慮症:診斷與治療

Time & Location

Mar 22, 2024, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Virtual Class

About the event

心理健康講座: 憂鬱症和社交焦慮症:診斷與治療 Emotional Well-Being: Depression and Social Anxiety: Diagnosis and Treatment


報名 Register:

Presented in partnership with Mental Health & Addiction Services, El Camino Health





主講: 黃若英醫師,石璇醫師 聯合主講

日期:3/22/2024, 週五,10 :30 a.m. – noon


黃若英醫師Alison Hwong, M.D., PhD.:哈佛大學醫學院醫學博士和健康政策學博士,現任史丹福大學和退伍軍人醫院(VA Palo Alto)的精神科助理教授。她在UCSF完成成人精神病學住院醫師,並於UCSF National Clinician Scholars Program進行博士後研究。她的研究專注於患有精神疾病人群面臨的健康不平等。

石璇醫師 Catherine Shir, M.D.: 史坦福大學住院醫師,現任精神科醫生和專業治療師,透過她的私人診所為亞裔和移民社區提供服務。目前她領導史丹福博士后女性科學家的支持小組,並為醫學實習生提供心理治療和精神病學護理。業餘時間,她喜歡演奏室內樂,攀岩,與家人一同 徒步爬山。



Depression and Social Anxiety: Diagnosis and Treatment

What will be covered in the webinar:

1) Understand signs and symptoms of depression and social anxiety

2) Understand options for treatment (both via therapy and medication)

3) Understand when and how to access care

Speaker: Alison Hwong, MD, PhD and Catherine Shir, MD

Date:3/22/2024, Fri,10 :30 a.m. – noon


黃若英醫師 Alison Hwong, MD, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford and the VA Palo Alto. She earned her MD and PhD in Health Policy at Harvard University, completed adulty psychiatry residency at UCSF, and was a postdoctoral fellow in the UCSF National Clinician Scholars Program. Her research focuses on health disparities for people living with mental illness.

石璇醫師 Catherine Shir, M.D. is a Stanford-trained psychiatrist and therapist who serves Asian American and immigrant communities through her private practice. At Stanford, she leads support groups for post-doctoral women in science and provides therapy and psychiatric care to medical trainees. Outside of her practice, she enjoys performing chamber music, rock climbing, and hiking mountains with her family.

Webinar conducted in Mandarin and English

感謝協辦單位 Community Partners:

凱芯文教基金會 (Joy Culture Foundation)

國語語文學校 (Mandarin Language and Cultural Center)

山景城市府 (City of Mountain View)

柏拉阿圖中文學校 (Palo Alto Chinese School)

美華婦女會矽谷分會 (Organization of Chinese American Women-Silicon Valley Chapter)

華人社區中心 (Avenidas)


Please email any questions to Chinese Health Initiative at

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