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Check out these exclusive May events happening in the Bay Area!

May is one of the most anticipated times in the Bay Area because it brings a series of unique and exciting special events. From Bay to Breakers, to food festivals, these events will take you on a journey through the charm and diversity of the Bay Area. Whether you're seeking adventure, exploring new cultures, or indulging in delicious cuisine, the May events in the Bay Area are sure to satisfy all your interests and preferences.


AAPI Heritage Month

AAPI Heritage Month Celebration Street Fair

It's the AAPI Heritage Month Celebration Street Fair! You'll find tons of Asian foods like bubble tea, beef noodles, skewers, and even stinky tofu. Plus, there's a kids’ zone, crafts booths, stage performances, and a wine tasting area. Best part? No entry fee!

  • Date:5/4-5

  • Time:10 am- 5 pm

  • Location:Oakland Chinatown 250 10th St., Oakland, CA 94607 (Harrison St. - Madison St.)

Off the Grid

Check out Off the Grid! It's a big outdoor food truck event at Fort Mason. Besides trying tasty dishes from around the world, there's live music adding to the festive vibe. It has been running since 2020, popping up at different spots every week. With a variety of food trucks serving up flavors from all over, it's a favorite foodie event in San Francisco. Want to know where it's at this month? Check their website for details!


Bay to Breakers

The Bay to Breakers event in San Francisco is a huge annual affair, one of the city's most historic and diverse running events. Happening this year on May 19th, participants usually dress up in all sorts of quirky costumes and run from downtown San Francisco to the other end at Breakers Beach. It's a mix of sport, entertainment, and socializing, drawing thousands of runners and spectators every year.

  • Date:5/19

Our Heritage 5K

Our Heritage 5K is a free event held to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Participants can choose to walk or run, starting from San Francisco's Japantown, passing through the city, and ending up in Chinatown. Along the way, there are 14 landmarks to see, and the event includes various cultural activities and souvenirs.

  • Date:5/4

  • Time:10 am

Imaginarium 灯光秀

There are plenty of activities for kids to interact with each other, along with stage performances. It uses various colorful backgrounds makes it perfect for photos taking.

  • Date:Until 5/27


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