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Costco's New Prawn Ha Cao: A Hit or Miss?

Costco has recently introduced a new Vietnamese-made prawn ha cao, which has quickly become a hot topic online. The reviews are mixed, but after a personal tasting, I found several highlights worth mentioning.

Costco prawn ha cao

First, in terms of flavor, this prawn dumpling satisfies the craving for Cantonese dim sum. The dumplings contain noticeable chunks of shrimp and bamboo shoots, offering a texture similar to those found in traditional dim sum restaurants. However, it's worth noting that the skin of these dumplings is relatively thick, providing a chewier texture. Some online reviews have mentioned that the thick skin might not match the traditional prawn dumpling experience, but this aspect is subjective.

For seasoning, try pairing the dumplings with chili oil to add an extra kick. It’s best to avoid the accompanying sauce, which has a cinnamon flavor that might not complement the dumplings well. Instead, prepare your preferred dipping sauce.

ha cao on a white plate
Photo Source: Valerie

When it comes to price, Costco’s prawn dumplings are quite economical. Currently on special, a pack of 40 costs only $9.99 (prices may vary by location based on the local Costco pricing). Compared to the typical $5 for a plate of four dumplings in a restaurant, this is a budget-friendly option.

The biggest advantage of these dumplings is their convenience. They can be easily heated in the microwave, perfect for busy modern life. For a more refined taste, I highly recommend using a bamboo steamer. Recently, I discovered a perfect product for this purpose – the Prime Home Direct 10-Inch Bamboo Steamer Basket. This steamer not only enhances the flavor of the dumplings but also comes with useful accessories, including two pairs of chopsticks, a ceramic sauce dish, and 50 reusable steaming liners.

Made from 100% organic bamboo, this steamer is eco-friendly and durable, ensuring even heat distribution for perfectly steamed dumplings. Its two-tier stackable design is practical, allowing you to steam different foods simultaneously. For instance, you can steam dumplings on the top tier and vegetables on the bottom, preparing a complete meal at once.

The steamer is easy to use. Simply place it over a pan with 2-3 inches of boiling water, add the dumplings, cover, and steam. This method not only maintains the shape and flavor of the dumplings but also retains their nutritional value, making it a healthy cooking option.

However, keep in mind that this product seems to be limited in supply. Some customers have mentioned that they could only purchase it once and haven’t seen it restocked since. If you're interested in trying these dumplings, you may need to monitor Costco’s inventory closely. While these Costco prawn dumplings might not completely match the freshness of restaurant-made dim sum, they are still a high-quality and tasty option for home use. Combined with the right cooking tools, you can easily enjoy delicious Cantonese dim sum at home. Take advantage of the current special offer and give them a try!


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